Comprehensive Solutions

We offer turnkey solutions for poultry, egg, and farm equipment to enhance your business efficiency.

white hen
white hen
white egg on brown wooden tray
white egg on brown wooden tray
Poultry Equipment

Explore our advanced poultry equipment designed to optimize productivity and ensure animal welfare on your farm.

Egg Systems

Discover our innovative egg systems that streamline production and improve the quality of your output.

Equipment Solutions

Providing comprehensive systems for poultry, egg, and farm equipment. Engaging in collaborative partnership to ensure a smooth and seamless solution to clients. From Turnkey to beyond, including after sales service.

Turnkey Projects

We specialize in delivering complete turnkey solutions for poultry farming, ensuring efficiency and productivity through our advanced equipment and systems tailored to your specific needs.

bokeh photography of chick on person's hand
bokeh photography of chick on person's hand
Poultry Systems

Our poultry systems are designed to optimize production, enhance animal welfare, and streamline operations, providing farmers with reliable and innovative solutions for their poultry farming needs.

Precision Solutions for Every Stage

You didn’t come this far to stop

man wearing gray dress shirt
man wearing gray dress shirt
person holding black and silver steel tool
person holding black and silver steel tool
space gray iPhone 6 on book near black wireless headphones
space gray iPhone 6 on book near black wireless headphones
a black and white photo of a train yard
a black and white photo of a train yard
person holding pen near paper
person holding pen near paper
person working on blue and white paper on board
person working on blue and white paper on board
man writing on paper
man writing on paper

Initial Survey




Service Installation

Training Technical

After Sales Support

a person wearing gloves holding a pair of scissors
a person wearing gloves holding a pair of scissors


Full-Cycle Turnkey Projects for Poultry Farms: Effortless and Efficient

Mitos provided exceptional solutions that transformed and elevated our operations. Highly recommend their turnkey solutions!


a man wearing a hat standing in a field
a man wearing a hat standing in a field
a large solar farm with many rows of solar panels
a large solar farm with many rows of solar panels
