Comprehensive Poultry Solutions

white and red birds on white surface
white and red birds on white surface
Broiler Production

Innovative poultry systems that enhance productivity and ensure the well-being of your livestock.

Egg Production

High-quality systems designed for efficient egg production and management in poultry operations.

Farm Equipment

Agricultural machinery and supplementary equipment for increased formidability.

pink and black ceramic piggy bank
pink and black ceramic piggy bank
Swine Production

End-to-end approach from breeding, gestation, farrowing, nursery, feeding and finishing.

Expert equipment and systems for egg, poultry, and farm needs. Turnkey solutions for your business.

Broiler Production

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Floor Broiler System
Broiler Cage

Egg Production

TechPro Pullet Cage
TechPro Layer Cage
Layer H frame Cage

Medium to large scale farming with higher space utilization rate to maximize productivity. Auxiliary full automation for better efficiency in closed environment ventilation.

Layer A frame Cage

Simple yet effective system. Options to allow fully automated or manual management depending on your choice. Optimum ventilation for better production, great for small to medium scale farming.

TechEasy Pullet Cage
TechEasy Layer Cage
TechPro Breeder Cage
Floor Breeder System
Breeder System

Choose between cage or floor systems for Parent Stock farming.

Farm Equipment

Explore our advanced poultry equipment designed to optimize productivity and ensure animal welfare on your farm.

End-to-end approach

Extension products and equipment to enhance livestock outputs.

Turn-key solution and consultancy

Provides consultancy approach from design, build and operate.